
Psychodrame à Neuilly ? AgoraVox le média citoyen

Rappelons que, le 30 septembre 2007, Nicolas Sarkozy était venu à Neuilly introniser David Martinon. Il avait annoncé qu’il s’engagerait derrière la liste menée par son porte-parole en lice pour la mairie de Neuilly. Sur sa liste figurait en bonne place Jean Sarkozy, le fils cadet de Nicolas. David Martinon avait même déclaré que, s’il devait choisir entre son engagement local et son poste à l’Elysée, «il donnerait la priorité aux Neuilléens»!

Tout allait presque pour le mieux, si ce n’était le coup de tonnerre dans le milieu neuilléen de ce sondage récent, qui rend plus difficile  la conquête de la mairie de Neuilly prévue par «le parachuté»! Selon ce sondage, David Martinon obtiendrait 40% de voix au premier tour des municipales contre 45% pour son rival divers droite: Jean-Christophe Fromantin, un chef d’entreprise de 45 ans (source JDD).
Aujourd’hui, dimanche 10 février 2008, s’est poursuivi le psychodrame sur le maintien ou non de la candidature de David Martinon. Ce dernier  a fait dire, ce matin par son directeur de campagne, qu’il  était toujours candidat à la tête de la liste UMP...
Donc,adidas original, la comédie continue, dans la famille du roi,christian louboutin pas cher, après le protégé,louboutin shoes, le fils!

Plus tard, dans la journée, les dirigeants neuilléens de l’UMP: Marie-Cécile Ménard et Arnaud Teullé, ainsi que le fils cadet de Nicolas Sarkozy ont annoncé dans un communiqué à l’AFP qu’ils «avaient décidé de conduire la liste de rassemblement» afin de faire cesser les divergences au sein de la majorité présidentielle à Neuilly. D’autre part, ils ont fait savoir qu’ils réfléchissaient à un «rapprochement» avec le principal challenger de M.Martinon (J.-C. Fromantin) pour garder à l’UMP la ville dont Nicolas Sarkozy a été élu maire de 1983 à 2002, haut la main!

Alors, David Martinon va-t-il abandonner?

Il semble bien qu’il soit poussé vers la sortie...

Neuilly, c’est cette ville huppée des Hauts-de-Seine, ancien fief du chef de l’Etat! Par conséquent, se débarrasser de Martinon, ce serait un camouflet pour le président! Et dire que le fils du président, Jean Sarkozy a confié à la presse: «on allait dans le mur... on a essayé de travailler loyalement, mais ce n’était pas possible».
Et si c’était bien l’assassinat politique de David Matignon qui, dit-on (pour la petite histoire...) fut très proche de Cécilia Sarkozy... (ah, ces affaires de famille!)

Famille ou cour royale? Pour Fran?ois Bayrou, qui observe la scène, «on est dans la cour» avec un fonctionnement «par graces et par disgraces»  (et nous qui croyions être en République!) Et, il ajoute: «autrefois on disait: il se passe tous les jours quelque chose aux Galeries Lafayette...  Là, il se passe tous les jours quelque chose Galeries élyséennes...». Il rajoute encore: «on est dans la cour. Comment ?a fonctionne la cour monarchique? Par graces et par disgraces. Vous êtes bien avec la personne qui a de l’influence sur le moment et on vous fait monter, et puis tout d’un coup voilà qu’arrive une nouvelle personne qui a de l’influence et on disgracie, on rejette dans les ténèbres extérieures tous ceux qui étaient hier les favoris».

Oui, dans la cour,converse basse, on s’inquiète! Le chef de l’Etat, qui conna?t déjà de grandes difficultés au niveau national avec une cote de popularité qui s’effondre, ne pourrait pas se permettre un échec sur ses terres, au risque que ce soit interprété comme une défaite personnelle. Si on est dans une pratique de cour, on peut valablement se demander si la décision du trio créateur d’une nouvelle liste n’a pas été prise avec l’aval du président? On pourrait être fixé dans les prochains jours...

Résultats - Logica profite de la force de l'outso

Avec un recul de son chiffre d'affaires limité à 3 % sur l'année à périmètre constant (à 4,1 Md€) Logica signe une année 2009 certes peu enthousiasmante, mais aussi relativement solide. La décroissance enregistrée par le Britannique reste ainsi légèrement inférieure à celle d'Atos-Origin ou à celle de Capgemini. Comme déjà signalé au cours de l'année,christian louboutin chaussures, la santé de la SSII doit beaucoup à sa branche outsourcing (37 % de l'ensemble de l'activité) qui progresse de 9 %, tandis que les activités plus cycliques de conseil et d'intégration accusent, elles, un recul de 10 %. La marge opérationnelle du groupe reste, elle, quasi-stable à 7,4 %. Autre facteur de "résistance" : la baisse de la Livre Sterling, monnaie dans laquelle Logica publie ses comptes annuels.

En France,mbt chaussures, la SSII termine l'année avec un chiffre d'affaires de 873 M€, soit une décroissance de 2 % sur un an. Ce qui témoigne d'une fin d'année assez dynamique. A l'automne la filiale connaissait une décroissance de 5 %. De facto, selon Logica, la France a retrouvé le chemin de la croissance en fin d'année, portée notamment par la signature du contrat ONP (Opérateur National de Paie). La marge, en léger recul, y atteint 7,jimmy choo sale,5 %. Fruit du rachat d'Unilog, l'implantation du groupe dans l'Hexagone - seconde géographie de Logica derrière les pays nordiques - est notamment portée par la progression de l'outsourcing, qui gagne 19 % par rapport à 2008.

En Grande-Bretagne, où Logica progresse de 6 % sur un an, l'activité est soutenue par le relatif dynamisme du secteur public, qui pèse plus de 60 % du total. Un risque pour la SSII, le gouvernement britannique ayant manifesté sa volonté de réduire ses dépenses IT. "Nous nous attendons à un ralentissement des prises de décision du secteur public britannique en 2010", reconnaît d'ailleurs Logica dans un communiqué. Avant d'ajouter : "Malgré les pressions des gouvernements européens pour réduire les dépenses, nous continuons à détecter des opportunités à moyen terme pour réduire les coûts via l'outsourcing".

Le groupe s'attend à une première moitié de 2010 toujours en décroissance,jimmy choo, mais à un exercice qui,manolo blahnik prix, au global, devrait afficher une stabilité par rapport à l'année écoulée. Fin 2009, Logica employait 38 800 personnes environ, 1 100 de moins qu'un an auparavant. "Ce recul est avant tout le résultat de nos actions pour réduire les effectifs non facturables", précise la société. En France, les effectifs se sont allégés de 250 personnes (à 8 880). Et 13 % des effectifs de la SSII sont désormais localisés dans des pays low cost.


Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Surgery For Bad Credit

Over 11,mbt shoes,000,000 plastic surgery procedures are being performed a year and most of these are financed. Yet most people don't want to use credit cards or cash to pay for these as the credit card rates are too high and the thought of using cash when you could pay a simple monthly payment is much more appealing. The most common cosmetic surgeries are for breast augmentation as well as liposuction. The second most popular are laser procedures as well,ugg boots as hair transplants that are being done for both men and women these days. So if you are looking for a procedure we strongly suggest that you visit a site that has the best terms and rates for your type of procedure. Websites like www.patientsource.net as well as  www.apfga.com offer financing for all credit types including bad credit.

The larger loan companies like Ge and Capital One only accept higher credit scores of usually above 680. The average credit score is around 630. This means that the average person will n ot qualify for those loans. However companies like Patient Source can get much lower credit scores financed and they also have programs for those individuals that have been turned down. These programs help to up your credit score in a relatively short period of time to get you able to get financed for your plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery,mbt sandaler, dental procedure,manolo blahnik, chiropractic treatments and much more.

The advantage of companies like Patient Source, APF of Georgia and others over the big companies is that they do offer 1 year free of finance charges on  loans but the interest is not typically 23% like the big guys trick you into.

If you are looking to get financed for your breast augmentation, liposuction or any other elective medical procedure then we strongly suggest that you take a hard look into the specialist companies as they are more likely to get you the deal that you are looking for and better terms of up to 7 years to pay the loan back. This means that breast augmentation can cost as little as $3 per day and lipo a little less.

If your credit is really bad then we suggest you enter the clean up your credit program from www.MacyLegal.com as they offer a great service with spectacular results in a short period of time. The cost is around $89 to get your credit cleaned up. This is a great price as it can help save you thousands in interest charges as well as to help you get the good loans and pay less for your car, house and anything else that you would like to finance.

American Consultants Rx Offers Prescription Help To Dyersburg Diabetic Clinic

Charles Myrick the President of American Consultants Rx announced the re-release of the American Consultants Rx community service project where over 20 million ACIRX discount prescription cards were donated throughout the country. One of the main locations in the Dyersburg,louis vuitton,TN area that received an initial donation of ACIRX free prescription cards,manolo blahnik,is Dyersburg Diabetes Clinic. The cards are to be donated to anyone in need of help.

Due to the rising costs, unstable economics, and the mounting cost of prescriptions, American Consultants Rx Inc. (ACRX) a.k.a (ACIRX) an Atlanta based company was born in 2004. The ACRX discount prescription card program was created and over 3 million discount prescription cards were donated to the community across the country free of charge between 2004-2005.

The ACRX cards will offer discounts of name brand drugs of up to 40% off and up to 60% off of generic drugs. They also possess no eligibility requirements, no forms to fill out, or expiration date as well .One card will take care of a whole family. Also note that the ACRX cards will come to your organization already pre-activated .The cards are good at over 50k stores from Walgreen, Wal mart, Eckerd's, Kmart, Kroger, Publix,vibram five fingers, and many more. Any one can use these cards but we are focusing on those who are uninsured, underinsured, or on Medicare.

ACRX made arrangements online for the ACRX card to be available at ACIRX where it can be downloaded as well. This arrangement has been made to allow organizations an avenue to continue assisting their clients in the community until they receive their orders of the ACRX cards. ACRX made it possible for future request to be made from online as well. ACRX also developed a unique marketplace at 2spendless com where you can also click on the ACIRX blue banner and download your free discount prescription card as well as find other key discounts.

With a backorder of over 40 million cards ACRX is working diligently to assist as many people and organizations as possible. ACRX will be working over the next few months to fulfill as many backorders as possible. It should be noted that while many other organizations and companies place a cost on their money saving cards,Replica watches, ACRX does not believe a cost should be applied, just to assist our fellow Americans. ACRX states that it will continue to strive to assist those in need.

Natural Chinese Herbs

Natural Chinese herbs and herbal remedies have been used for thousands of years to develop overall quality of human life by improving health, vitality, and life expectancy. They are prescribed to normalize imbalanced energy, or Qi (pronounced hee,nike shox, that runs through invisible meridians in the body. The effectiveness of these herbs is continually proven as they are used to restore body functions to normal and to treat numerous illnesses. A healthy and hundred percent natural alternatives to expensive and potentially harmful pharmaceutical drugs, natural Chinese herbs are gaining popularity and respect in the field of healthcare.

As opposed to modern western system of treating a disease,nike air max, the age-old Chinese process believes in holistic healing. The Chinese believe that every living thing is sustained by a balance of two opposing forces of energy, called Yin and Yang. When Yin and Yang are out of balance in the body, this causes a blockage of Qi (a type of energy that flows through our body) and a subsequent illness. Yin and Yang imbalances can be caused by stress, pollution, poor diet, or infection. They further believe that everything including organs of the body - is composed of the five elements: fire, earth, metal, water and wood.  Accordingly the herbs used to cure an ailment are classified into the five tastes - sweet, salty, bitter, pungent and sour - which correspond to the five elements.

Herbal remedies being a holistic system, herbalists do not treat diseases,Replica watches, they treat patients. The emotional and spiritual health of a patient, in addition to total wellness, are considered when treating and diagnosing conditions and problems. Apart from prescribing herbal remedies, proper diet and exercise and meditation is also suggested to the patient for restoring the body"?檚 proper balance and maintaining optimum health. In some cases, individual patients will require a specific formulation that might even be changed frequently over the course of treatment. In other cases, one or more formulas already prepared for ingestion without modification are selected for use. The outcome is monitored, and the determination of whether to continue the current formula,nike air max, change to another, or discontinue use is made on the basis of actual versus desired outcomes and the obvious or subtle effects of using the herbs.

Herbs are nature gift to us. They can be used to reverse the damage we cause to our own body, whilst living a highly stressful and unnatural life. Using natural Chinese herbs can help to rectify this damage and create a new energy and perspective to life and living.


Make Money From Home Online With Data Entry

Thinking of making your weekends and holidays productive even when you are staying at home? With data entry,mbt espana, you can surely do this without sweat and make money from home online.

To start,nike schoenen, you have to know how to use the computer and to type in great speed. Slow typers can also get the job but must exert great effort to finish a task. You can practice on typing with special typing tests such as Mavis Beacon to improve your typing precision. If you already know how to type in an acceptable pace, you can now look for an employer. There are certain companies who need encoders for their old files. Because encoding is the latest book-keeping and inventory,ghd platinum, companies hire their personal encoders to do this particular task for them.

If you do not want to work in a company and favors to have your own data entry business,replica orologi, it is also possible with other websites like captcha entry. Captchas are the ones you see right before you register to a new website. It is sometimes referred to as the verification code that can differentiate a computer-generated response to a real-time feedback. Captcha encoders have been increasing in numbers every month because of its reasonable compensation. You can even handle your own group and pay them with whatever amount you desire.

What's more are those scammers who take this opportunity to trick home-based workers. To avoid this unlikely circumstance, be sure to get reviews first before registering a new account. Make different passwords to each websites that you join to prevent hacking possibilities. Dedication and discipline is very important with this job and be sure to have this outlook for reaching your goal. 

Is Paul Ponna's Miracle Traffic Bot A Waste Of Money?

Are you Looking for a reliable way to get massive FREE traffic and generate a consistent passive income each month online despite soaring advertising prices ...controversial Google Adwords bans... hundreds of scams... and non-stop hype and hundreds of product launches month after month?    
  I have had all sought of tools to try and increase my traffic to my sites.   A friend of mine wrung me, and was raving about this new traffic generating system, I thought not another one. I then put it on my,louis vuitton tassen  to do list to check it out.   A week later my friend said did you get the Miracle Traffic Boot system yet, as I'm up by $200. As I trust this friend of mine, decided to give it a try. To my surprise It really did everything it says on the tin.  
  The price for what you get was even more surprising. So here is a run down of what Miracle Traffic Bot does.    
  Miracle Traffic Bot is a powerful software suite and what's better is that it is the only software of its kind that sells for a low one-time fee which makes it a must for every online marketer to have it in their marketing efforts.    
  Miracle Traffic Bot is a one click SEO and traffic automation software created by Internet Marketer Paul Ponna and his team.   The software submits your videos,air max, articles and websites to dozens of article directories, social book marketing sites, and video submission sites.    
  With the unique combination of simplicity of use and speed of submission, the software makes  getting top rankings on search engines a breeze.    
  In addition, Miracle Traffic Bot is completely white-hat. This allows the software to perform very fast in the background and get you long-term results that last.    
  Plus,mbt schoenen, the software suite also comes with complete step by step video training on not only how to use the software but also trains you on how to get traffic and make money using the software.    
  The benefits of the software are three fold:    
  1) The software gets you top 30 or more rankings on top search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing and others search engines.    
  2) The software also gets your website, blog or affiliate page hundreds of quality backlinks that not only increases your Google PageRank but also catapults your website to rank high for most keywords of your choice.    
  3) Miracle Traffic Bot also allows you to spread your message because the platforms and sites that the software integrates with syndicate their content to several hundreds of other websites.    
  This ripple effect ensures that one simple article, video or URL for book marking of your sites will   turn into hundreds of one-way backlinks and thousands of visitors to your website,mbt zapatos, blog or affiliate page.    
  Hence, you do not even need your own website or product to get the most out of the software as once you get the traffic, everything else becomes easy.    
  Miracle Traffic Bot is a powerful software suite and what's better is that it is the only software of its kind that sells for a low one-time fee which makes it a must for every online marketer to have it in their marketing efforts.